Saturday, 24 September 2011

How do i change my Windows XP taskbar?

I want to change the color of my taskbar to black. I also want to change my start button into a different image.
How do i change my Windows XP taskbar?
ok.. There are many ways to do this.

1) You can install a msstyle theme (mostly free)

2) You can use something like WindowsBlinds (will cost you)

3) Use a transformation pack. (Eg: Vista Tranfomation pack)

4) Use Resource Hacker to edit or build a msstyle to create unique theme for urself

A good msstyle for start is the Royale theme. Now also available Royale Remixed (my fav).

Or goto where u can download theme software (WindowsBlinds) to get awesome looks. U'll have to pay for the full


Or u can download resource hacker and open a msstyles (even the default XP luna.msstyle file) from it and change the bitmaps to ur liking. U can edit everythin from this. Startmenu,taskbar,scrollbars and everything.

But to apply the theme u have to patch a file in XP, so I advice you to insta the Royale theme or the Royale Remixed themes first coz it automatically patches this file which enables other themes to be installed.

Hope this helps.
How do i change my Windows XP taskbar?
get a new theme.

for the black taskbar, try the vista transformation pack,

it will transfer the looks of ur windows to look like win vista.
the strt menu you cant do but to change the color right click on desktop, go to apperence tab anf then go to the second bar and select the one you want