My windows XP refresh rate is set high and the new monitor I plugged in doesn%26#039;t support it, so I can%26#039;t get into winXP and change it to something lower. It works under safe mode because it chooses the monitor%26#039;s default refresh rate. How can I change it in normal Windows if I can%26#039;t even see anything? This seems ridiculous to me...|||This has happend to me tons of time, what I do is to memorize keybord keys in order to lower resolution because is easier than changing screen refresh rate.
What I usually do is:
1. Restart in safe mode
2. Write down the keyboard keys to lower resolution once there. ie.
a) Win + D %26lt;- To clean anything on the screen which could steal my right click
b) Right click on desktop %26lt;- A menu appears
c) Up arrow key pressed then enter %26lt;- As the fist item is selected up key will lead you to the last one, the properties option
d) Shitf + TAB %26lt;- It%26#039;ll select the first tab
e) Right arrow click 4 times %26lt;- Will select Settings
f) TAB pressed 3 times %26lt;- Resolution scroll will be selected
g) Left arrow pressed down till you get tired.
The last step will lower your screen resolution, then just press enter and done.
Very dissapointing but works. Keyboard doesn%26#039;t need an exact clicking point.