Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How do i change my laptop's Windows Vista OP to Windows XP?

I recently bought a laptop without an operatiing system installed so i had a friend installed Windows Vista. I dont like it much so i'm planning to change it to windows XP. I have a CD of XP home edition also. How do i go thru with this? Thanks!
How do i change my laptop's Windows Vista OP to Windows XP?
1. Enter your BIOS and set your CD /DVD drive to boot first.

2. Insert your CD and reboot.

3. Enter Windows setup, and dtell it to delete the partitions on the drive and reformat it.

4. It will copy some files to the hard drive and then reboot. Skip enterin Windows setup and let it continue booting from the hard drive. Setup will continue. It will ask you some questions and for your Product key. Do so. You will soon have XP installed.
How do i change my laptop's Windows Vista OP to Windows XP?
i think when you purchased winxp home edition it has user's manual on how to :)
insert xp cd and boot to it. on the first menu hit enter to install windows, hit f8 for the eula then on the next menu hit esc

to install fresh copy of windows, choose to install on the first partition, then on the next menu choose format NTFS(not

quick). let it do its thang, and watch it from time to time because it will come to a point where it needs input from you, but that will probably be after about 30 - 45 minutes
Gotta get windows XP cd and run it through. boot from cd but you do know you'll be going backwards don't you?

U want to Change Your Operating System.

Windows Vista----%26gt;Windows Xp.

This can't be possible By Upgradation Method.

Insert the WinXP(HOME/PROFESSIONAL) cd in cd Drive.

Boot from the disk.

when os installbale drive will ask for U, then select the drive %26amp; format as your need. aften this process Setup will Copy necessary files on your drive %26amp; it will install Xp On your drive automatically.

NOTE :- Due to Format imporatant files will destrory. firstly copy important files on other drive or disks.